Know First

Detect and protect using Indicators of Future Attack

— Defense Contractor Intel Team

“I feel this is going to help a lot of people. The API is light years ahead of other stuff we use.”

— Intel team for ISAC

“This is impressive, the dexterity around what you can find. We’ve never seen this anywhere else. It’s exciting.”

— Fortune 500 Financial Services Company

“You (Silent Push) have the most complete view of DNS activity compared to any service we have used.”

— Security Operation Platform Head of Engineering

“I would have had to buy three separate data products and build some tools myself in order to try and replicate what we get from Silent Push.”


Anticipating the Unseen with Preemptive Threat Intelligence ft. Brad LaPorte


Silent Push scans, clusters, scores and enriches the global IPv4 and IPv6 range in a first-party database that outputs Indicators of Future Attack (IOFAs) – domain, IP and URL data that explains the relationship between billions of observable data points across the internet.

IOFA data allows security teams to create behavioral fingerprints that reveal adversary campaigns prior to launch. Quickly reverse engineer attacker TTPs with an end-to-end threat hunting and cyber intelligence platform that’s uniquely designed to track and counteract pre-weaponized infrastructure.

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Our Platform

We generate behavioral fingerprints of attacker TTPs that allow security teams to counteract a diverse range of attack vectors, and prevent financial and reputational harm.

Our platform and proprietary dataset provides the most comprehensive view of the internet available anywhere in the world, offering real-time insight into attacker TTPs. We provide infrastructure monitoring, attack surface mapping, phishing prevention, early detection feeds, data enrichment, and a range of features to enhance your organization’s security operation.

Our data can be used within numerous global industries and sub-sectors, including government agencies, financial services organizations, security vendors, retail and investment banks, and large commercial operators.

Upcoming events

Attending any of the following events? Let’s catch up.

Blackhat USA 2024

August 3-8, 2024

Las Vegas, NV

mWISE Conference

September 18-19, 2024

Denver, CO

LabsCon Banner

LABScon 2024

September 18-21

Scottsdale, AZ



November 9, 2024

Washington, DC

See Silent Push in action

Learn how our platform’s key features will help you stay one step ahead of emerging threats.